Dieter's Information Page
This page contains information for those interested in improving your their health through diet and nutrition and also cosmetic beauty treatment.
I hope you find something that will help you with your own dieting.
I'll be adding a links list and trying to find interesting sites
and bits of information to pass along.
Again, Welcome soon there will be more!
For beauty aides here are a few links to visit.
For dieting here are a few links to visit.
Atkin's Diet web site: Dr. Atkin's Diet center on the web!
I'll be adding links to good Diet and recipe Sites, as I find them.
Since 1999,
Low Carb Eating
has been providing Atkins Diet and Low Carb Diet recipes, information, support, products, and much more.
A great place to get your lo-carb meal is
TGI Fridays.
The folks at Fridays are offering the Beyond Neat products, for those of you that want an alternative.
As we have all seen from their TV spots, Subway has done a lot to climb onto the "healthy" eating band wagon and now the lo-carb craze. So, take advantage of it, go here to find a
Subway restaurant near you.
Here are a couple of vitamin and nutrition sites, you can get products that will aid in your move to a healthy lifestyle.
This is a really useful dieting tool, no matter what diet you are on.
Along with your diet, you can track your exercise with Fitbit..
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