While looking for good information on Anthrax, I found this page. It was unreadable, due to html errors. So, I copied it here so I could look at it. It was so good, I decided to put it up for the rest of the web to view. I credit the author, unknown to me, at the Bacteriology at UW-Madison site, listed below. - Bob Pathology
Anthrax is primarily a disease
of domesticated and wild animals, particularly herbivorous animals. Humans
become infected incidentally when brought into contact with diseased animals,
which includes their flesh, bones, hides, hair and excrement.
In humans, anthrax is fairly rare; the risk of infection
is about 1/100,000. The most common form of the disease in humans is cutaneous
anthrax,which is usually acquired
via injured skin or mucous membranes. A minor scratch or abrasion, usually
on an exposed area of the face or neck or arms, is inoculated by spores
from the soil or a contaminated animal or carcass. The spores germinate,
vegetative cells multiply, and a characteristic lesion develops at the
site. In severe cases, where the blood stream is eventually invaded, the
disease may be fatal.
Another form of the disease, inhalation anthrax(woolsorters'
disease), results most commonly from inhalation of spore-containing dust
where animal hair or hides are being handled. The disease begins abruptly
with high fever and chest pain. It progresses rapidly to a systemic hemorrhagic
pathology and is often fatal if treatment cannot stop the invasive aspect
of the infection.
Information on gastrointestinal anthrax
will be added to this site at a later date.
The bacteria are able to invadetheir
animal host because they are resistant to the host phagocytic response.
During and after its invasion, the bacteria produce a toxin which
has a lethal mode of activity. Death from anthrax in humans or animals
frequently occurs suddenly andun expectedly. The level of the lethal toxin
in the circulation increases rapidly quite late in the disease, and it
closely parallels the concentration of organisms in the blood.
Antibiotics should be given to unvaccinated individuals exposed to inhalation
anthrax. Penicillin, tetracyclines and fluoroquinolones (Cipro) are effective
if administered before the onset of lymphatic spreador septicemia, estimated
to be about 24 hours. Antibiotic treatment is also known to lessen the
severity of disease inindividuals
who acquire anthrax through the skin. Inhalation anthrax was formerly thought
to be nearly 100% fatal despite antibiotic treatment, particularly if treatmentis
started after symptoms appear. A recent Army study resulted in successful
treatment of monkeys with antibiotic therapy after being exposed to anthrax
spores. The antibiotic therapy was begun one day after exposure.
Currently, the anthrax vaccineis
produced under contract to the Department of Defense, and only small quantities
are made available as needed to civilians who are exposed to anthrax hazards
in their work environment, such as veterinarians, lab workers and others.
An attempt to immunize 2.5 million members of the military ended three
years ago, but that policy is being reevaluated.Ifthe
manufacturer receives approval from the FDA, vaccine production will resume.
The anthrax vaccine is a preparation of the protective antigen
(a fraction of the toxin) recovered from the culture filtrate of an avirulent,
nonencapsulated strain of Bacillus anthracis. Anthrax immunization
consists of three subcutaneous injections given two weeks apart followed
by three additional subcutaneous injections given at 6, 12, and 18 months.
Annual booster injections of the vaccine are required to maintain a protective
level of immunity.
Anthrax and Biological Warfare
The inhalation of anthrax sporescan
lead to infection and disease. The possibility of creating aerosols
containing anthrax spores has made
anthracis a chosen weapon of bioterrorism. Iraq,
Russia and as many as ten nations have the capability to load spores ofB.
anthracis into weapons. Domestic terrorists may developmeans
to distribute spores via mass attacks or small-scale attacks at a local
As an agent of biological warfare it is expected that a cloud
of anthrax spores would be released at a strategic location to be inhaled
by the individuals under attack. Spores of B. anthracis can
be produced and stored in a dry form and remain viable for decades in storage
or after release.
There is no evidence of person-to-person transmission of anthrax. Quarantine
of affected individuals is not recommended. Anthrax spores may survive
in the soil, water and on surfaces for many years. Spores can only be destroyed
by steam sterilization or burning. The U.S. Navy Manual on Operational
Medicine and Fleet Support, entitled Biological Warfare Defense Information
Sheet states "Disinfection of contaminated articles may be accomplished
using a 0.05% hypochlorite solution (1 tbps. bleach per gallon of water).
Spore destruction requires steam sterilization." It has also been reported
that boiling (100 degrees C) for 30 minutes kills endospores of B. anthracis.
An infection of local animal populations such as sheep and cattle could
follow a biological attack with spores. Infected animals could then transmit
the disease to humans through the cutaneous, gastrointestinal or inhalation
routes by spores from a contaminated animal, carcass or hide.
A segment of the U.S. military population has been vaccinated against
anthrax. Anthrax vaccine consists of a series of six doses with yearly
boosters. The first vaccine of the series must be given at least four weeks
before exposure to the disease. This vaccine protects against anthrax that
is acquired through the skin and it is believed that it would also be effective
against inhaled spores in a biowarfare situation.
More Information?
Check these websites with anthrax articles and links.
www.bt.cdc.gov Public Health
Preparedness and Response from CDC
Anthrax from CDC
www.anthrax.osd.mil Anthrax
Vaccination Immunization Program fromDoD
www.abcnews.go.com ABC News
search for "anthrax"
by Peter C.B. Turnbull, Chapter 15 in Baron, Microbiology
- online edition.
Common Sense Points about anthrax and bioterrorism from www.bact.wisc.edu
1. Anthrax does not spread from person-to-person. The only way to get
the inhalation form of the disease is to be exposed to large numbers of
spores of the microbe.
2. Not much will kill these spores. They are resistant to microwaves,
heat and many disinfectants. If you burn your mail, that will work,
but then you can't read that letter from Aunt Marge.
3. As far as getting dangerous mail, Use your head! First, you are not
that important, why would terrorists send a package to you? Second, think
about the logistics of sending out a large number of envelopes containing
spores. Finally, getting spores in an envelope is not a grave threat. Anthrax
spores need to be dispersed in the air withvery advanced equipment to become
the dangerous form, pulmonary anthrax, that is lethal.
4. If you are still worried about it, think, don'tgive into blind fear.
(1) Check the address, is it someone you know? If it is someone you know,
no problem. (2) Check the post mark, where is it mailed from? (3) Is it
a catalog? It is not likely that any retailer is going to send you something
dangerous. (Note, glossy magazines will often put baby powder in between
the pages to prevent them from sticking together. Keep that in mind.) If
you are still worried and receive a suspicious package that does have a
powder in it, report it to your local authorities and consult your physician.
However, it will be very unlikely that you will receive one of these letters.
Think about how many pieces of mail go out and how many people there are.
Your chances are very low.
5. Things you can do to protect yourself from bioterrorism
a. Stop worrying
b. Stop smoking
c. Don't drink too much
d. Eat right
e. Exercise
f. Stop worrying
What? What does that have to do with bioterrorism? All of the above
will build up your immune system. And besides, if you have to be scared
into taking care of yourself, so be it.
6. Cutaneous anthrax only occurs when the spores encounter broken skin
creating an easily recognized boil. Even then, the illness is rarely fatal.
7. Anthrax is easily treated with antibiotics if it is caught early
enough. The only time one should be worried about this is if everyone around
you is coming down with the flu at the same time.The government should
be all over something like that and has a stock pile of antibiotics for
such an occasion.
8. You should not try to get vaccinated nor buy antibiotics just in
case. First, your chances of contracting the disease are less than
getting hit by lightning or winning the lottery, so you would be wasting
your money. Second, you are depleting the stores of antibiotics that are
available to treat people who may end up having the illness or, much more
likely, some other illness where they need that antibiotic. Finally, they
will go bad over time and not be effective anyway. No responsible physicianshould
be filling prescriptions to people who have not been exposed to anthrax,
"just in case".
9. The disease is caused by a bacterium, Bacillus anthracis,
not a virus as reported by some news agencies. (By the way, some journalists
are woefully ignorant of medicine and microbiology - be careful what you
believe.) It is disappointing that certain news agencies are frankly feeding
this frenzy in the name of ratings.
10. Is a biological attack possible? Sure anything is possible, but
it is very, very unlikely. Could it happen. Yep. Is it worth worrying about?
Bacteriology at UW-Madison
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Bacteriology at UW-Madison
Anthrax Fact Sheet 10-17-01
Anthrax is an infection
caused by the endospore-forming bacterium, Bacillus anthracis.
These bacteria have been found naturally in soil samples from around the
world, although they do not regularly occur.
I take no credit for the above information, however if you have any comments or suggestions, please email them to me at: